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Creating Ethical Practical Strategies for Supervision: An Advanced Supervision Workshop

  • 06 Nov 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Boise Centre East


Creating Ethical Practical Strategies for Supervision: An Advanced Supervision Workshop

Presented by: Christian D. Chan, PhD, NCC, Jessica Henderson, PhD, LPC, NCC, and Lynn Bohecker, PhD, LMFT

Wednesday, November 6th , 2019

8:00am - 12:00pm 

1:00 - 3:00pm 

Supervision has served as a longstanding practice within the counseling profession to implement best practices, ethical mandates, and care for clients and students.  Formed as an integral part of counselor professional identity in striving towards best practices, supervision in counseling has served as a substantial tool in firmly influencing the professional identity, definitions, and practices of professional counseling (Kaplan, Tarvydas, & Gladding, 2014).  With the history of supervision in the counseling profession, supervisory practices and relationships have ultimately become the vehicle to strengthen conceptualizations of wellness, developmental models, and multicultural and social justice-focused strategies among supervisees and trainees.  Connected to these overarching professional issues, supervision has been embedded as a substantial portion in a number of guiding ethical documents, including the CACREP 2016 Standards, the ACA Code of Ethics (2014), and the ACES Supervision Best Practices Guidelines (Borders et al., 2014).  Currently, CACREP 2016 Standards require doctoral students to participate in supervised experiential training towards the development of their own supervisory practices while Master’s students must participate in several supervised counseling experiences, including site supervision, group supervision, and university-based individual/triadic supervision.  Although doctoral programs vary in their methods of developing supervisors, several key concerns regarding supervision continue to surface, including (a) time limitations on experiential learning with supervision (e.g., supervision of supervision only during one semester; supervision of supervision limited to practicum); (b) limited training options for Master’s-level practitioners and licensed counselors; and (c) a lacking balance of practical supervisory strategies with theoretical development.  Intended as an Advanced Supervision workshop, the presenters will co-construct dialogue with the audience to demonstrate role-plays, application of knowledge, and implementation of new strategies contingent in four advanced areas: (a) multicultural and social justice-focused supervision; (b) consultation groups; (c) ethics; and (d) the Counselor Feedback Training Model (CFTM; Swank & McCarthy, 2013).



The Idaho Counseling Association is a Branch of the American Counseling Association

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