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Building Resilient Families through use of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors to lead to Healthy Outcome for Positive Experiences (HOPE).

  • 06 Nov 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Boise Centre East


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Building Resilient Families through use of the Strengthening Families Protective Factors to lead to Healthy Outcome for Positive Experiences (HOPE).

Presented by: Miriam Staffen, LPC

Wednesday, November 6th , 2019

8:00am - 12:00pm 


Promoting resilience in parents and youth means making an intentional effort to comment of strengths, no matter how small. It means genuine appreciation of progress and a willingness to stand in awe of how families stay strong as they face life’s difficulties.

Learning Objectives

• To be able to identify the five protective factors: Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Concrete Support in Times of Need, Knowledge of Child Development and Parenting, and Social Emotional Health of Children and their Parents. In order to promote the best outcomes for childhood experiences.
• To understand that stressed brains don’t learn the same, by gaining knowledge about early brain development, toxic stress, and other forms of adverse experiences children face.
• Our goal is to protect families from being overwhelmed by the stress in their lives, thereby decreasing the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. Strengthening Families is not something we do to someone else or a program we work on a family; every individual and family already has the protective factors and our job is to notice, name, and explain them in our daily work.
• To understand how framing the work with the Strengthening Families Protective Factors, with an understanding of ACEs, the biology of stress and resilience as well as the first 1000 days of brain development will allow for a rich and relevant experience. The participants will experience a very personal training, because we can’t teach what we do not know within ourselves to be true.

The Idaho Counseling Association is a Branch of the American Counseling Association

P.O. Box 1426 Boise, ID 83701

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